Thursday, December 11, 2008

Meena vs. Sunday: Battle of the Crown

no use denying the big thing right now - Meena vs. Sunday. the whole school is basically an elongated episode of Gossip Girl. but who's REALLY the queen of Panamah? Sunday, the self-proclaimed and school-wide queen? or is it really Meena, the popular junior? people have started saying that Meena is the actual queen of Panamah and Sunday's just a wannabe. Meena denies being queen and has even said she doesn't WANT to be the queen. everyone seems to have two opinions. a) Meena should be nicer to Sunday because Meena is Sunday's "idol" or b) Sunday's a b****. actually, almost all of the students seem to have BOTH opinions! just the other day, Christine and Anastasia (a girl in her friend group) got in an argument about Sunday. Christine seemed to be airing on opinion b, but Anastasia seemed to have both! she started out by saying Sunday was "one mistake from being dethroned" (making it seem like she felt sorry for her) and that everyone loves gossip and drama, wether they choose to admit it or not (making it seem like she was on Sunday's side). then she took a major turnaround and started saying "Sunday's a b****, just nobody's got the guts to say it." huh?? i'm seriously confused. and i can't say i'm too happy about the whole school swearing out my sister! what do i think? i think the whole school hates Sunday AND Meena! after all, no one seems that thrilled about EITHER of them being "queen." Sunday can get a little catty, but Meena's been being whiney and depressive lately. and out of no where! right now, it looks like Sunday's facing mutiny and Meena's a bipolar. we'll see where this goes...

Love, Helen