what is that gift? blogger! we just got two new blogs by kids in our school. but before i get into that, let me say a few things. i'm sorry that this blog is basically dying! i'm seriously going to try to make more time to post. we are the gossip girl blog of panamah, people! we can't just lay down and die! drama is on it's way. it always is. besides, no matter what anyone says, high school isn't high school with tons of drama rama. anyway, these are the new blogs and bloggers. make sure to give them a quick look.Chris of And I Said I Couldn't Do It...
chris is awesome. seriously, he moved here at the beginning of the year from colorado. but now he's a really good friend of mine. chris is just so original and down to earth. and i love the bromance of chris and andrew. it's so unspoken, but i'll have to make sure to do a special post on it. it's worth it, believe me. they're adorable. go chris! i'll try to help you make your blog a huge success.

anastasia is a true fashionista. is it any wonder she models for belle's clothing line? she has the best accent, too. lol she's from london. it's amazing. i sometimes random try to strike up a conversation with her just so i can hear her talk. i know that's really weird, but i'm sort of that way. just one of those teenage musing blogs. but i love those blogs! and she uses an adorable template. we're not friends or anything, but we get along fine. if all i know about her is any indicator, her blog should be lots of fun.
i promise more posts soon! really! besides, i've gotta do my special post on the lovely bromance of chris and andrew! lmao! alex is kind of becoming a hot topic at school, too. expect posts about both those things very soon! hope you're all well. and thanks for sticking with the little black notebook :)
love, sunday <3